Sugar Glossary
a Sweetener That is Made From the Juice of the Agave Plant. It Has a Lower Glycaemic Index Than Sugar and is Often Used as a Natural Alternative to Sugar.
a Type of Plant Native to the Americas That is Used to Produce a Sweetener Called Agave Nectar.
Synthetic Compounds That Are Used as a Replacement for Sugar in Food and Beverages. Examples Include Aspartame, Saccharin, and Sucralose.
a Machine That Uses Air or a Vacuum to Separate Impurities or by-products From Sugar.
the Fibrous Residue That Remains After Sugarcane or Sugar Beet Has Been Crushed to Extract the Juice. It is Often Used as a Fuel in the Sugar Industry.
the Process of Packing Sugar Into Bags or Other Containers for Transport or Storage.
a Device That Holds and Supports a Bearing or Other Mechanical Component.
Fuels That Are Produced From Biomass, Such as Sugarcane, Corn, and Wheat.
the Process of Mixing Different Types of Sugar Together to Create a Specific Product.
a Facility Where Raw Sugar is Processed Into Refined Sugar.
a Small, Slender Tube or Nozzle That is Made of Brass and is Used to Spray or Dispense Liquids, Such as Water or Syrup.
a Machine That Cuts Sugarcane Into Smaller Pieces to Facilitate the Extraction of Juice.
Hammers or Other Mechanical Devices That Are Used to Crush Sugarcane to Extract the Juice.
Blades or Knives That Are Used to Cut Sugarcane Into Smaller Pieces to Facilitate the Extraction of Juice.
a Machine That is Used to Harvest Sugarcane.
Cane Mill : a Machine That Crushes Sugarcane to Extract the Juice.
a Machine That is Used to Plant Sugarcane.
a Machine That Unloads Sugarcane From Trucks or Other Transportation Vehicles.
a Sweet, Amber-colored Confection Made by Heating Sugar Until It Caramelizes.
a Fine-grained Sugar That is Used in Baking and is Often Called for in Recipes That Require Sugar to Dissolve Quickly.
a Machine That Uses Centrifugal Force to Separate Sugar Crystals From Molasses or Other Impurities.
a Sweet Food Made From Cocoa Beans and Other Ingredients, Such as Sugar, Milk, and Butter.
a Machine That Cuts Materials, Such as Sugarcane, Into Smaller Pieces.
the Process of Purifying Raw Sugar by Removing Impurities and Impure Crystals.
a Machine or Process That is Used to Clarify Raw Sugar by Removing Impurities and Impure Crystals.
a Beverage Made From Roasted and Ground Coffee Beans That is Often Served With Sugar or Sweeteners.
a Finely Ground, Powdered Sugar That is Often Used in Frostings, Icings, and Other Confections.
a Machine That Moves Materials, Such as Sugar, From One Place to Another Using a Continuous, Flexible Belt.
Small, Hard Candies That Are Used to Soothe a Sore Throat and Alleviate Coughing. They Often Contain Sugar or Other Sweeteners.
a Device That Connects Two Mechanical Components, Such as Gears or Shafts, and Allows Them to Rotate Together.
the Process of Forming Sugar Crystals From a Sugar Solution.
a Machine or Process That is Used to Form Sugar Crystals From a Sugar Solution.
a Machine That Cuts Sugarcane Into Smaller Pieces to Facilitate the Extraction of Juice.
a Type of Raw Sugar That is Light Brown in Color and Has a Slight Caramel Flavor.
a Simple Sugar That is a Form of Glucose and is Often Used in the Food Industry as a Sweetener and a Flavor Enhancer.
a Machine That Extracts Sugar From Sugarcane Using Hot Water and Pressure.
a Large, Cylindrical Vessel Used in the Sugar Refining Process to Evaporate Water From a Sugar Solution.
Beverages That Are Marketed as Providing an Energy Boost and Often Contain Sugar or Other Sweeteners.
a Type of Alcohol That is Produced From Sugarcane or Sugar Beet. It is Used as a Fuel Additive and as an Alternative to Gasoline.
a Machine That Removes Water From a Sugar Solution to Produce a Concentrated Syrup.
the Process of Extracting Sugar From Sugarcane or Sugar Beet.
a Machine That Shapes Material, Such as Sugar, by Forcing It Through a Die or Mold.
a Machine or Process That is Used to Extract Fiber From Sugarcane or Other Materials. The Fiber is Then Used as a Feedstock for Animal Feed or Other Products.
a Machine That Separates Solid Particles From a Liquid by Pressing the Liquid Through a Filter.
the Process of Removing Impurities From a Sugar Solution by Passing It Through a Filter.
A Sweet, Creamy Topping That is Used to Coat Cakes
A Simple Sugar That is Found in Fruits, Honey, and Other Natural Sources. It is Sweeter Than Glucose and is Often Used as a Sweetener in Processed Foods.
a Large, Cylindrical Container Used to Store or Transport Liquids, Such as Molasses or Syrup.
a Vehicle That is Used to Transport Sugar or Other Goods.
a Device That is Used to Weigh Vehicles, Such as Transport Trucks, and Their Contents.
a Type of Raw Sugar That is Light Brown in Color and Has a Slightly Caramel Flavor. It is Produced by Crystallizing Raw Cane Sugar and is Often Used as a Topping for Baked Goods.
a Machine That Converts the Energy of a Fluid, Such as Steam or Water, Into Mechanical Energy or Electricity.
a Simple Sugar That is a Source of Energy for the Body and is Found in Many Foods, Including Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains.
a Machine or Process That is Used to Sort Sugar Based on Size, Shape, or Other Characteristics.
a Type of Refined Sugar That is Commonly Used in Cooking and Baking. It is Made Up of Small, White Crystals.
the Process of Crushing Sugarcane to Extract the Juice.
a Component of a Sugar Mill That is Used to Crush and Grind Sugarcane. It Consists of a Series of Blocks or Anvils That Are Mounted on a Rotating Shaft.
a Machine That Grinds Materials, Such as Sugarcane, Into Smaller Pieces Using Hammers or Other Mechanical Means.
a Finely Ground, Powdered Sugar That is Often Used to Make Icings and Frostings. It is Also Known as Confectioners’ Sugar.
a Type of Syrup That is Made by Splitting Sucrose Into Glucose and Fructose. It is Often Used in the Food Industry as a Sweetener and a Flavor Enhancer.
a Machine That Extracts Juice From Fruit or Vegetables.
a Machine or Process That is Used to Level or Smooth the Surface of Sugar or Other Materials.
a Type of Brown Sugar That Has a Lighter Color and a Milder Flavor Than Dark Brown Sugar.
a Type of Sugar That is in Liquid Form and is Often Used in the Food Industry as a Sweetener and a Flavor Enhancer.
an Area Where Goods, Such as Sugar, Are Loaded Onto or Unloaded From Trucks or Other Transportation Vehicles.
a Sweet, Amber-colored Syrup That is Made From the Sap of Maple Trees.
the Process of Grinding Sugarcane to Extract the Juice.
a Machine That Mixes Materials, Such as Sugar, Together.
a Thick, Dark Syrup That is a Byproduct of the Sugar Refining Process. It is Often Used in the Production of Rum and Other Alcoholic Beverages.
a Type of Raw Sugar That is Dark Brown in Color and Has a Strong, Molasses-like Flavor.
a Machine That is Used to Package Sugar or Other Products Into Bags, Boxes, or Other Containers.
a Large, Shallow, Round Vessel Used in the Sugar Refining Process.
a Machine That Presses Materials, Such as Sugarcane, Into Small, Uniform Pellets.
a Component of a Sugar Mill That is Used to Crush and Grind Sugarcane. It Consists of a Series of Anvils or Rollers That Are Mounted on a Rotating Shaft.
a Finely Ground, Powdered Sugar That is Often Used in Frostings, Icings, and Other Confections. It is Also Known as Confectioners’ Sugar.
the Process of Extracting Juice From Sugarcane or Sugar Beet by Applying Pressure.
a Machine That Grinds Materials, Such as Sugarcane, Into a Fine Powder.
a Type of Sugar That is Made From the Juice of Sugarcane or Sugar Beet and Has Not Been Refined. It is Usually Brown in Color and Has a Slightly Molasses-like Flav
a Type of Sugar That Has Been Processed to Remove Impurities and Impure Crystals. It is Usually White in Color and Has a Very Sweet Taste.
a Facility That Processes Raw Sugar Into Refined Sugar, Which is a More Pure and Highly-processed Form of Sugar.
the Process of Applying an Electric Current to the Rollers in a Sugar Mill to Increase Their Conductivity and Improve the Grinding Process.
a Machine That Crushes and Grinds Materials, Such as Sugarcane, Using Rollers.
a Series of Rotating Cylinders or Rollers That Are Used to Crush or Grind Materials, Such as Sugarcane or Sugar Beet.
a Type of Coupling That Uses a Flexible Rope or Cord to Transmit Power or Torque Between Two Mechanical Components.
a Machine That Cuts or Shreds Materials, Such as Sugarcane, Into Smaller Pieces.
a Machine That Separates Smaller Particles From Larger Ones by Shaking or Sieving.
a Type of Brown Sugar That is Moist and Clumps Easily. It Has a Medium to Dark Brown Color and a Rich, Molasses-like Flavor.
a Natural Sweetener That is Made From the Leaves of the Stevia Plant. It is Much Sweeter Than Sugar and Has a Negligible Effect on Blood Sugar Levels.
a Large Container Used to Store Sugar or Other Materials.
a Type of Plant That is Used to Produce Sugar. It is Grown in Cooler Climates, Such as Europe, Russia, and the United States.
a Type of Plant That is Used to Produce Sugar. It is Grown in Cooler Climates, Such as Europe, Russia, and the United States.
a Container Used to Hold Sugar While It is Being Transported or Processed.
Groups or Organizations That Represent the Interests of the Sugar Industry and Advocate for Policies That Are Favorable to the Industry.
a Government-imposed Limit on the Amount of Sugar That Can Be Produced or Imported in a Given Country.
Alternative Sweeteners That Are Used as a Replacement for Sugar in Food and Beverages. Examples Include Artificial Sweeteners, Such as Aspartame, and Natural Sweeteners, Such as Stevia.
a Tax That is Levied on Sugary Foods and Drinks in an Effort to Reduce Consumption and Improve Public Health.
a Type of Granulated Sugar That Has Very Fine Crystals and Dissolves Quickly. It is Often Used in Baking and Cocktails.
a Type of Leveller That Uses a Swinging or Oscillating Motion to Level or Smooth the Surface of Sugar or Other Materials.
a Thick, Sweet Liquid That is Made by Dissolving Sugar in Water.